Thursday, 4 November 2010

Less problems with less

The more command that ships with the N900 is a very stripped-down version which does not even provide text search. Fortunately, you can install the program less from the repositories. Unfortunately though, it has problems interpreting the Return key when you use the N900's X Terminal. (It's no problem via an ssh connection, though.)

The fix, luckily, is rather simple: Just enter

export TERM=vt220

before using less.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Issues with multiple IRC accounts

You may have come across an error message stating that your nickname/account is already in use when you connect to an IRC network (via the IRC plugin for conversations and contacts). In my case, I found out that this error was caused by having defined two ICQ accounts that connected to different ICQ networks (IRCnet and Freenode) but that set the same nickname. When I configured the nickname for one of the neworks to a different one, the problem disappeard.

Monday, 6 September 2010

Car holder for N900

For a couple of weeks, I've been using a Brodit car holder for my N900. It was quite an expensive investment: 59€ for the N900 holder which includes a charger (29€ without the charger) plus 21€ for the required car adapter.

But you get what you pay for. First of all, the N900 holder is manufactured very precisely; the N900 glides in and out very smoothly. Charging is done via an integrated Micro-USB plug. Apart from the nice crafting, the guys at Brodit really have invested some thinking into how the holder might be useful, and so it has two other very nice features: First, it can be rotated so that you can choose between portrait and landscape orientation while driving. Second, it allows to unfold the N900 so that you can use the hardware keyboard while the N900 is still in place within the holder. I really like that, since the Nokia Maps application with its crappy non-standard user interface does not allow to use a software keyboard.

Apart from the N900 part, the car part also is worth mentioning: Brodit has a nice system where you combine an adaptor for a specific mobile phone with an adaptor for a specific car. And in my case, I could choose between four or five different car adapters for my car (a Volkswagen Golf) that would allow to attach the N900 at various different places within my car. The only thing that Brodit's system is lacking would be a quick-change system that would allow to quickly exchange the N900 holder by another phone holder (e.g., an N95 holder for my girlfriend's mobile phone when she wants to drive my car). So all in all, Brodit seem to manufacture thousands of different phone adapters (mind you: they even support the N900...) and thousands of different car adapters, so you probably can pretty sure to find a suitable combination for your own car and phone[s].

The manufacturer's website is a; I bought my adapter at the German (delivery was quick and flawless).

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Configuring the N900 for GSM roaming

It's common knowledge that you will be charged outrageous amounts of money if you place or receive GSM calls in a foreign network. The same holds if you use GSM (UMTS, 3G, HSPA,...) internet access in a foreign network. For example if you are customer of, say, O2 Germany and you are using, say, O2 UK, you have to pay tons of money for the certainly very complex task of exchanging data between the British and the German branch of O2. (Did you notice the bitter irony? Good. By the way, the other multinational carriers such as Vodafone, Orange, T-Mobile etc. play the same game to rip off their customers.)

Unfortunately my beloved N900 is a real download hog, so just one single turn of going online might easily cost you 20€. Here is a list of tasks you might want to do to reduce your roaming costs:

Warning: Most of this only works before you leave your home!

(Especially configuring the conditional call forwarding has to be done in your home GSM network.)
  • Install the following software packets from
    • Starhash enabler (if you intend to buy a foreign prepaid SIM)
    • Call forwarding applet (if you normally use a voicemail box)
    • Personal dataplan monitor (warning: not good for your blood pressure!)
    • WPA key editor (your hotel, restaurant, friend,... might use a format for WPA keys that the N900 for some silly reason does not understand)
    • It is a good idea to install the 3G/2G/dual mode selection applet: It will allow you to switch your mobile to 2G only, which does not just save power, but will also imply smaller download speeds, so you have more reaction time to abort unwanted downloads.
    • You might consider installing some WEP password cracking software if you can estimate the risk of being caught via logfiles, and if you do not have any moral objections (I do have them, so I don't do this and thus can't give you any recommendations). Bear in mind that a WEP encryption, albeit useless, clearly indicates that the owner of the WLAN does not want other people to use his network.
    • Download software that can help you save power (e.g., WLAN switcher); you probably will need this on your trip.
    • You also might want to install photography software such as BlessN900 or Morpho QuickPanorama, unless you will use a real digital camera for picture taking.

  • Download the PC software that allows to permanently store Nokia's maps on the N900. Download the maps for the countries you'll be visiting. If you plan to go to a region near the border (e.g., Strasbourg, Salzburg, Trieste, Русе, Охрид,...), then you should download the maps for the neighbouring country as well.

  • For reasons beyound my understanding, Nokia/Ovi Maps needs to download a significant amount of data in order to obtain an A-GPS fix (several hundreds of kilobytes!?). Apart from the usually superior accuracy, an external GPS thus probably can save a lot of data volume. I have not yet tried it myself, though.

  • Remember to deactivate any conditional call forwarding to your mailbox before you leave your home network, since otherwise you'll pay triple roaming fees: (1) for receiving the call, (2) for forwarding it back to the mailbox in your home country, and (3) lateron for calling your mailbox. If you installed the call forwarding applet as I recommended above, you can deactivate the three conditional forward rules via the system settings. Alternatively, you could have any incoming calls unconditionally forwarded to your mailbox (in which case you might want to change your greeting message accordingly, e.g., to tell people they should send you SMS or e-mail only).

  • Fortunately, the European Commission has put a limit on the costs of calls in voice roaming and SMS within the EU countries. Still, you might want to check with your operator if some foreign networks are cheaper. In the old days, I always made me a little table that told me what roaming network to use during which time of day or for SMS or data. Usually this is not needed any longer.

  • Check the offers for prepaid SIM cards of the various GSM providers in your destination country. In many cases (but not always), it is worth the effort to buy a cheap prepaid SIM card; this of course will mean that you'll have a different phone number for the time that your N900 has the other SIM card inserted.

  • Synchronize your e-mail. Then deactivate automatic e-mail updates when connected via GSM (or at least increase the update interval) via the menu of the e-mail application. Perhaps you might even consider removing unimportant accounts, but then be very careful not to lose any archived e-mails.

  • Go to the program manager, update all software. Then deactivate all software catalogues. (This is done via the menu.) I recommend deactivating them, rather than deleting. In any case, this will avoid that your N900 will waste precious megabytes (!) on regular checks for software updates.

  • If you use some weather applet on your home screen such as Foreca or OMWeather, set the weather location to your travel destination. Doing the search at home and will save you some kilobytes.
    Alternatively, you might want to remove that applet for the time of your journey, but usually you will need up-to-date weather information during your travel.

  • If you intend to use instant messaging, consider creating an additional profile that will log you only into those IM services that you need most, and which preferably sets your status to busy so that you won't get chat messages all the time. This definitely saves you data volume.

  • Furthermore you might want to deactivate position updates in your IM account. The same holds for other automatic updates, e.g., what song you're currently listening to.

  • Consider selectively activating and deactivating Geotagging for the camera. On the other hand, having correct geotags on every picture is a nice thing to have.

  • Deactivate the automatic fallback to GSM/3G when the WLAN becomes unavailable: you will want to control yourself when your N900 goes online (system settings, network connections).

In the future, I might add further points or otherwise improve this post. Last change: 05-Sep-2010

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Additional instant messaging profiles

Apart from the preconfigured IM profiles offline, busy and available, you can define six other profiles for the built-in instant messenger, where you can specify for which of the IM and SIP profiles you want to have which status. For example, for my workplace I have one profile where I am online only via my SIP accounts and Google Talk, but not via other IM.

Prior to firmware PR1.2, you could only have three such user-defined profiles; now it's six. For me, even six was not enough.

I suspected that the profiles are stored somewhere in /home/user, so I changed one of my IM profiles by selecting a different online status for one of my SIP accounts in that profile, saved the changes, and looked at which configuration files got changed (command: ls -lat /home/user). Et voilà: The profiles are stored in /home/user/.osso/.rtcom-presence-ui.cfg.

Simply editing that file with a text editor (as a Unix freak, I used vim) and adding another profile did, however, not do the trick. Rather, the IM application would ignore my changes and instead overwrite my modified file soon after.

But I found out that the following procedure worked for me. Since we live in a sometimes absurd world where people are drawn into court just because other people were too lazy to think, here comes the obligatory warning and disclaimer: You do all this at your own risk. I can neither guarantee that it works, nor do I guarantee that it does not break your phone. You have been warned. If it looks too difficult to you, ask a friend—with just a small bit of Linux/Unix commandline knowledge, it's really easy to do.

  1. Switch your IM availability to offline. Wait half a minute to make sure that you're really offline now.
  2. Edit the configuration file with the IM profiles (/home/user/.osso/.rtcom-presence-ui.cfg):
    1. Create a backup copy of the file in a place you remember. Just in case.
    2. Open the file with a text editor. I used vi, but if you installed PyGtkEditor, you can edit the file by invoking it from the command line: pygtkeditor /home/user/.osso/.rtcom-presence-ui.cfg (note that it won't let you open the file via the menu!).
    3. The syntax should be obvious: The definition of a profile starts with a line like [Profile blah], followed by many lines that describe the definition of that profile, and the definition ends where the next profile definition starts. Don't let yourself get fooled by some superfluous empty lines. Just copy one of the entries three times; for simplicity, I used the last entry for that.
    4. Give each of your three copied profiles a new, unique name. Obviously, the profile name is the text that follows "Profile " inside the brackets. Since you can change their names later anyway, you might as well pick something like "foo", "bar" and "quux". In any case, I would avoid any fancy characters such as ä, ö, ü, ß, é, ç, ś, ţ, ł, å, ъ etc., just in case.
    5. (Probably you now also could re-arrange your existing profiles now by moving them around in the text file, and you also might delete some superfluous empty lines, but I haven't tried that out either of these. So don't do it unless you're prepared to take this additional risk.)
    6. Save your modified file.
  3. Reboot your phone.
    (I'm pretty sure that it might as well be enough to kill and restart some process, but I didn't know which process to kill, and my phone needed a reboot anyway due to some apparent memory leak.)
  4. When you now open the IM application, you'll see that you have three profiles. Now you can change them via the menu just like the others, give them different names and icons, etc.

I imagine that you will be able to add many more profiles this way; however I recommend adding only three. Otherwise, you will have to scroll down to reach the text field where you can specify your status message and select if others should be able to see your GPS position.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Configuring Eduroam on the N900

Getting Eduroam to run on your N900 may involve a lot of fiddling, but at least, it's possible with the new PR1.2 firmware. I had to do the following in order to be able to use my LRZ/MyTUM account for Eduroam; but bear in mind that configuration may vary for other academic institutions! (For example, my institutions gives me login and password, whereas other institutions hand out login and an individual certificate.)
  1. Install the newest firmware (PR1.2 at the time of this writing).
  2. From the N900's Web browser, download the root certificate of the DFN and install it in the N900's certificate manager. Make sure that you allow the certificate to be used for WLAN authentication (you may also tick the other options if you wish).
  3. You now may try to get Eduroam to run. If you're lucky and your institution doesn't require support for PAP with TTLS, you're done. Chances are, however, that it doesn't. Curse and do a lot of googling. Come across the forum page
  4. From the N900's Web browser, download the little software program wlan_tool which was written by a Nokia employee. (For background information why you need it, see the corresponding forum entries.) Throw your inhibitions concerning downloading software from some forum overboard and pray that this software was really developed by an honest Nokia employee and really doesn't open any backdoors or the like. Save the application file (a .deb file) to a folder where you will find it again.
  5. Open the file browser, navigate to that download folder, and open the wlan_tool_blabla.deb software package file. The program manager will open and install the file (after you clicked on "yes, I know that I'm a silly person because I'm about to install unofficial software because Nokia messed things up.")
  6. You now have a new program installed called WLAN Tool. Run this software by clicking on it in the application list/menu. Due to its name beginning with the letter W, it probably will appear near the very end of the application list.
  7. The software opens a new window. In General settings, tick the option Allow TTLS/PAP. Leave the other things as-is; they don't have anything to do with authentication.
  8. Close the WLAN tool application.
  9. Reboot the N900.
  10. Open the Settings program, open the Internet connections, create a new connection with the following parameters (N.B. these are spread out over several screens):
    • Connection name: eduroam (or whatever you prefer)
    • SSID: eduroam
    • Mode: Infrastructure
    • Security method: WPA with EAP
    • EAP type: TTLS
    • Choose certificate: none
    • EAP method: EAP PAP (if you haven't rebooted after you installed the WLAN tool, you won't be offered to select EAP PAP here)
    • User name and password as provided by your institution, e.g., and *******
    • Before you click the done button, click extended first! A new pop-up will open. Here, navigate to the EAP tab, tick Use manual user name: yes, and enter the "anonymous" user name which is the default for your academic institution (in my case: Click Save.
    • Save everything and enjoy. Note that it sometimes may take rather long (many seconds) to log into the Eduroam network.

Nachtrag für MWN-Nutzer (Juli 2010)

(This is only relevant to people in Munich/München who work or study at TUM and perhaps LMU, FH/HS, etc., so I post it in German.)

Nachdem ich all diesen Mist für EAP PAP gemacht habe, habe ich erfahren, dass das MWN durchaus andere Authentifizierungsmethoden neben EAP PAP anbietet – allerdings fuktionieren die nicht mit einer selbstgewählten, sondern ausschließlich mit dieser kryptischen, vom LRZ vorgegebenen Adresse. Falls man die nicht kennt (Achtung, das war bei mir nicht dasselbe wie diese ellenlange Mytum-ID, die ich bei meiner Einstellung auf einem Zettel genannt bekommen habe), kann man sich einfach bei Mytum einloggen und sich in bei den Konto- oder Maileinstellungen diese LRZ-Kennung anzeigen lassen. Ich hatte es stattdessen mit meiner Mytum-Kennung versucht, und genau das geht idiotischerweise dann nur mit EAP PAP.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

N900 as GPRS/UMTS/3G bluetooth dial-up for a Ubuntu Linux PC

If you want the N900 to act as a mere modem for connecting to the Internet via a GPRS/UMTS/HSPA/3G/3.5G/... network from your laptop running Ubuntu Linux v9.10, here's a very brief description how to do that. It's aimed at people who don't want to open a shell and enter something like "sudo pon gprs", but who rather prefer to use their mouse (that's actually a rather ununixy/unlinuxy way, I know):


  1. Prepare your N900: Install the software package bluetooth-dun from extras-testing.
  2. Prepare your Ubuntu laptop:
    1. Install the bluetooth manager blueman (the Gnome default bluetooth applet will not do!)
    2. Go to the Network Manager and create a new mobile broadband connection. (In case you already have created one for a UMTS/3G stick and want to use the same provider with your N900, you don't need to do this.)
  3. If you have not done so, initiate a bluetooth pairing between your N900 and your laptop so that you don't have to enter PINs, confirm connection requests, etc.

Using it

  1. Activate Bluetooth on your N900 if you haven't done yet.
  2. On your laptop, click on the blue Bluetooth "B" icon which blueman puts into the system tray (usually in the upper left system menu bar at the top of your desktop). A list with paired bluetooth devices appears; your N900 should be listed there, too. If not, you need to pair it with your laptop first (as I told you step 3 above).
  3. Do a right-hand click on the entry representing N900. A pop-up menu appears.
  4. In that popup menu, select "serial connection" and there "dial-up networking". Now you will see three bars indicating signal strenghts and signal quality for the bluetooth connection. More importantly however, your bluetooth phone has now been made visible to the network manager.
  5. Still on your laptop, do a left-click on the icon of the Network Manager (system tray). Your broadband connection should appear in the "available" section of the menu, with the label that you gave your broadband connection when you created it (step 2.2 in the preparations) Click it to connect.
  6. After a couple of seconds, you now can use the net! Don't be confused by the fact that the N900 will not reveal to you that it just went online via GPRS/UMTS in its system tray (there will be no data connection item appearing near the battery level indicator; only the Bluetooth icon will shine blue instead of white once you activated the serial connection in Blueman).
  7. To close the connection, you click again on the Network Manager icon in the system tray and disconnect via the menu.
Bear in mind that the Bluetooth connection is a bottleneck: Bluetooth v2.1+EDR only yields a speed of 2–3 Mbit/s, whereas the N900's HSPA chip can attain a throughput of up to 10 Mbit/s for download (HSDPA) and 2 Mbit/s for upload (HSUPA). If you need a higher speed, you thus might want to try JoikuSpot which connects your N900 to your laptop via WLAN instead of Bluetooth (bear in mind, however, that it offers only a highly insecure connection, since the WLAN only uses the terribly outdated WEP encryption, which can be cracked within seconds).

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

What's clogging up the root file system

The file system layout of the N900 is arguably not the easiest when it comes to maintenance: The root directory / and a whole bunch of important directories (e.g., /usr/bin/ and /usr/lib/) are stored together on a fast flash memory chip which is, unfortunately, rather tiny with its 256 MByte capacity. When you add and add new software, especially from the extras-devel repository, it may easily happen that you don't have any free space left on that device.

While there are various ways how to free up disk space by moving the disk hogs, you may ask yourself what these may actually be. Here's how I do that:

  1. Install the packages rootsh, findutils-gnu and coreutils-gnu, if you haven't done yet.
  2. Open a root shell.
  3. mkdir /home/user/MyDocs/tmp
  4. gfind / -type f -fstype rootfs -printf "%T+ %k %s %h/%f %n\n" | perl -ne 's/\.0000000000//; print;' > /home/user/MyDocs/tmp/files-on-rootfs.txt
    This command will take about a minute or so.
  5. Now you have a file of all files occupying precious space on the root file system (actually, some more, since /proc will also appear in there), but without any symlinks or files in symlinked directories. The file list will look like this:
    2009-04-15+12:14:52 600 612764 /bin/bash 1
    2010-02-11+00:52:24 124 125124 /bin/less 1
    2009-07-01+12:16:27 4 1167 /bin/tempfile 1
    2009-08-24+14:20:35 4 4012 /bin/lsmod 1
    2009-04-02+10:54:09 8 5364 /bin/devlocktool 1
    2010-02-11+00:52:24 12 10500 /bin/lesskey 1
    2010-02-11+00:52:24 8 5188 /bin/lessecho 1
    2010-02-11+00:52:23 8 6947 /bin/lesspipe 1
    2009-07-01+12:16:28 348 355592 /bin/busybox 1
    2009-02-26+08:24:27 4 45 /etc/hildon-welcome.d/default.conf 1
    More precisely, the format is like this:
    • Timestamp (which is sortable with alphanumeric or numeric sort due to the clever GNU date format),
    • then the number of blocks,
    • then the file size (somewhat redundant, but perhaps there are sparse files),
    • then the file name,
    • then the number of hardlinks (usually 1).
  6. Now you could simply load that file into your PC via USB or scp and analyse it there with external tools such as OpenOffice Calc, Excel, or the likes.
    Or you can analyse it right away on the N900:
  7. Most certainly, you don't want to go over all these entries by hand. Let's sort the file list by the file sizes:
    gsort -k 2 -n /home/user/MyDocs/tmp/files-on-rootfs.txt
    The largest files will be conveniently placed by hand. Now this gives you a good opportunity for finding candidates to be moved to /opt/ and symlinked from there.
  8. If you are interested what files were recently modified (probably the culprit that filled up / is a rather new file), then you can simply do
    gsort /home/user/MyDocs/tmp/files-on-rootfs.txt
    to sort by time stamp.
  9. Probably there's a lot of small files involved, so you may want to filter them out:
    awk '($3 > 500000){print}' /opt/tmp/files-on-rootfs | gsort
    This will only print files that occupy more than 500,000 Bytes and sort them by modification time.

By now you should have found out candidate files for "optifying", as it is usually called.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Resolving problems with mass storage mode

When you connect the N900 to a PC in USB mass storage mode (USB MSC, UMS), it may happen that it will complain and tell you that it will let access the PC only the SDHC card (i.e., /media/mmc1), but not the N900's main memory (i.e., /home/user/MyDocs/). This can really get on your nerves, e.g., if you want to install Nokia Maps for offline use onto the N900.

Explanation (?)

The purported reason is that the system will not allow external accesses to that file system, as long as any process running on the N900 still uses that file system (e.g., by keeping a file handle open, or by having cd'ed into there). However, I found out that this is not quite true: When I ran lsof | grep /home/user/MyDocs as root, not a single process was shown, yet the PC was still denied access to the flash memory, so this cannot be the full story.

Simple yet unelegant solution

After doing some Googling (which was not enough) and doing some additional experimentation, I found the following unelegant but working solution:

  1. Unplug the N900 from your PC. Switch the N900 to offline mode (short press on power button, then select from pop-up menu). Reconnect with PC. Sometimes this already does the trick.
  2. If, however, the N900 still won't let you access the flash memory, then keep the N900 plugged into the PC and reboot the N900 (i.e., switch off and switch on again). When it asks you if you want to disable offline mode now, answer no (i.e., continue using the N900 in offline mode). Then you should finally be able to access the phone's flash memory from your PC. So far, this blunt approach has worked for me.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Switching between cyrillic and latin keyboard layouts

Most of the time, I'm writing in German on my N900; but from time to time, I write English — e.g., right now — and Bulgarian, which is written in cyrillic letters. While it's not a big deal writing in English on a German QWERTZ keyboard, I needed some possibility to quickly switch between QWERTZ and ЙЦУКЕ (for some funny reason, I've always written Bulgarian texts with a Russian key layout — which comes in handy now that the N900 doesn't offer Bulgarian; although I'm sure it can't be a big deal to install the Bulgarian layout, I saw software packages for that). At the same time, I want the automatic word completion to work for German and English, but not Russian, since I never type anything Russian.

And here's how I do that:

  • Open the settings, tap on the Keyboard settings (Texteingabe).
  • Hardware layout: German
  • Use virtual keyboard: yes
  • 1st language: German, dictionary: German
  • 2nd language: Russian, dictionary English (!)
  • Use dictionaries in parallel: yes

I normally use the hardware keyboard. When I need to type something in Bulgarian, I simply close the lid, tap into the text area on screen so that the virtual keyboard pops up, and then have a Russian virtual keyboard. If not, I have to change it by tapping on the “” button that is located left to the Return button on the virtual keyboard (3rd from right in the button row right underneath the text display). Admittedly, this way I only get the cyrillic characters via the software keyboard, but then, I still do a lot of mistakes when typing on the Russian keyboard without seeing the layout.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Why to buy an N900

Alright, in my recent post, I described the numerous little flaws of the N900.
While the N900's set of features is huge and beyond description, in this post I will describe some of the really cool and (at the time of this posting) unique features that set the N900 apart from other mobile phones.

General aspects

  • A lot of free software, and you'll get automatic updates for all of it without any further ado — that's just one of the many advantages of having a phone with a real Linux distribution.
  • 30 Gigabytes of storage for your data (the remaining part of the flash memory is reserved for programs, operating system stuff, etc.), plus an SDHC slot (i.e., additionally up to 16 Gigabytes [1]; perhaps 32 GBytes or even more in the future [2] if the built-in card reader supports it)
  • Finally: A phone with a dedicated switch just for locking and unlocking the keyboard — and its positioning makes it almost impossible that it gets pressed inadvertently.

One great address book

  • The N900 automatically maps birthdays from its addressbook entries into the built-in calendar. Finally a phone which can do that — after all, implementing this feature shouldn't have been rocket science, but I don't know if any other phone is capable of that.
  • Better yet: A program called 'Hermes' merges contact information and birthdays from your Facebook contacts into the N900's address book.
  • Moreover, the address book features a very handy functionality: you can join multiple entries for a person into one with a mere click. Very easy, very quick; duplicate entries be gone.

Fully integrated, multi-multi-multi-protocol instant messenger

  • To my knowledge, the N900 features the only instant messenger client — not just for mobile phones, but for computers in general! — that speaks virtually all IM protocols:
    • Skype
    • ICQ and AIM (AOL instant messenger)
    • Jabber/XMPP
    • Google Talk (basically the same as XMPP)
    • Nokia Ovi (XMPP as well, IIRC)
    • Facebook chat
    • ICQ
    • MSN messenger and MSN Haze
    • good old IRC
    • GroupWise
    • Gadu Gadu
    • Tencent QQ (OICQ)
    • SIP (which also can be used for instant messaging, although this feature is mostly unsupported by servers as well as clients)
    • Salut/Bonjour/Link-local XMPP
    • Sametime
    • Yahoo messenger
    (Note here that most other IM software also can speak most or all of these protocols with the exception of Skype; whereas Fring which is popular with Symbian phones and, btw., which is available for the N900 as well, does speak Skype but understands neither IRC nor (non-Google) Jabber/XMPP, nor Salut, nor most of other, less used IM protocols.)
    As usual, you have to install additional plugins to use most of these protocols; nevertheless, upon installation they will be tightly integrated into the phone's user interface, together with the other IM protocols, as well as GSM text messages (SMS). If you choose to have a mobile flatrate, a volume-based tariff, or if you're logged into a WLAN most of the time, then instant messaging can replace SMS almost entirely — in most countries, this will save a lot of money.
  • The contact lists/buddy lists of your various instant messengers all are mapped into the address book, where you can join them with existing entries. For example, if some person X is in your ICQ buddy list, your Jabber buddy list, your Skype buddy list, in your Facebook friend list (and uses Facebook chat), has two e-mail addresses and seven different phone numbers, then you can unify all these different entries into one single entry for that person X. To my surprise, this didn't even mess up the buddy lists of my IM programs on my PCs (Pidgin and Empathy).

Geek aspects

Imagine you have a mobile phone on which you can install...

  • a new firmware by logging in as root (which you can do without doing any unsupported, warranty-violating or otherwise unpleasant jailbreaking!) and typing apt-get dist-upgrade (alright, you might use the graphical program manager as well...)
  • an OpenSSH client with X11 forwarding (Eclipse looks funny on the N900), scp data back and forth, build ssh port forwarding tunnels
  • an OpenSSH server so you can log in to your mobile phone and use a large screen and a normal keyboard, scp data back and forth etc.
  • vim and an emacs clone
  • bash
  • svn, git, mercurial
  • wireshark, nmap, socat
  • Bittorrent
  • tor
  • truecrypt
  • latex (haven't tried it out yet)
  • gcc (haven't tried it out yet)
  • mplayer with kmplayer front-end
  • a complete chrooted Debian that can run Firefox/Iceweasel (slow) or even OpenOffice (slo-o-o-o-w-w-!)

Other connectivity

  • Can play audio and videos via UPnP (universal plug&play). I use that to play MP3s and OGGs that are stored on a USB drive that is connected to my FritzBox; unfortunately, the network is a bit too slow for video.
  • Provided that you install some additional software modules, you can mount CIFS (Samba) and NFS file systems,
  • do IPv6 (kernel from extras-testing needed for that).

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Why not to buy an N900

First of all I have to say that I definitely do recommend the N900, especially for Linux-affine geeks. Actually I wrote this post mostly from my N900 while sitting in an underground. No matter what I write here, I still have to assert that it's the best phone I'v ever laid my hands on, by an order of magnitude.
Nevertheless, it does have a number of flaws that are more or less minor ones for me, but which may be major to other people who consider buying one. Therefore, I wrote this post so that people who buy it won't be disappointed after they bought it.

Software / in general

  • A lot of features is missing from the start. Luckily, you can very easily resolve this by installing additional free software. For example, the built-in instant messenger initially doesn't support ICQ, or you can't change your call forwarding settings — you have to install additional plugins in order to do that.
    Note, however, that this is way less complicated than it may sound, since you get most of that software from a central repository, including future updates. Still, it costs time in the beginning.
  • Also note that, in contrast to almost all other mobile phones including the cheapest ones, you cannot run any Java applications (MIDP, midlets, J2ME) on the N900! This holds less for "serious" applications, but most mobile games out there on the market are Java games...
    Meanwhile, you can install support for J2SE, and by installing a package from extras-devel, you will be able to run J2ME applications. Still, this involves a lot of tweaking and fiddling and using software which is not really suited for end users.

Phone and connectivity

  • You can't have different ringtones for different callers or caller groups.
  • Creating additional profiles apart from the built-in default and silent profiles (that's just two measly profiles!) is cumbersome and — of course! :( — requires to install yet another tweak application.
  • It doesn't have voice dialling. If you want to use it in a car, be sure your handsfree itself has a voice-dialing facility built in (expensive ones nowadays do).
  • It doesn't have MMS support, and the free software for sending MMS that is around now is fiddly to configure and far from being flawless. (Before you cry out loud now: Sometimes, MMS may indeed come quite handy as a replacement for SMS — since one MMS without any picture but with a long text is cheaper than a long text spread out over three or more chained SMS text messages.)
  • No video telephony over 3G/UMTS networks. (But who uses that anyway, it's usually horribly expensive.)
  • No video telephony over Skype.
  • Video telephony over Google talk is quite flawed:
    • It's not possible to initiate a video call from the N900; the PC has to call the N900.
    • The picture received from the PC side is full of codec artefacts and thus actually completely useless; the picture sent from the N900 is alright but rather low-res.
  • Using the European Eduroam academic WLAN (a lot of European universities offer this to their students and employees; a fact widely unknown as yet) is , in most cases, not possible at this time, although some people have reported success on this. Will be fixed in a future software release. difficult to configure, since in some cases (where your institution requires TTLS/PAP authentication) you have to download and install a hard-to-find unofficial software package from the Maemo forum.

Calendar and to-do list

A lot of homework to do here for Nokia!

  • It's unintuitive to navigate from day's view back to weekly or monthly view.
  • Even harder to switch from todo list or notes back to calendar.
  • Categories (i.e., different calendars) for to-do entries, but no priorities!
  • No dateless to-do entries, they always need a deadline.
  • When you enter a date, it won't show you the day of week in the date chooser, so you have to count in your head ("today's the 12th, so the 22nd should be... errmm... a Monday?"). Moreover, you cannot enter dates or times via the hardware keyboard, which would be more convenient than picking them iPhone-like from a scrolling menu.
  • The alarm prior to an event can only be chosen from a few options: a couple of minutes, half an hour, one and three hours, and a day. I'd prefer two hours, two days, etc. Or even better: completely free choice, as it was the case with the Symbian calendar on my old E70.
  • When an alarm goes off, there is no easy way to select an arbitrary time and date for a second alarm (you have to display the appointment and then edit it), there's only the snooze button (i.e., fixed and small amount of time).
  • No biweekly recurrences for appointments configurable, or other special occurences (e.g., 1st monday in month or things like that).
  • You cannot add an exception to a repeating entry: If you modify one entry, it will modify all recurrences; if you delete one recurrence, it will delete all recurrences. Only solution: Let the recurrences end the day beforeyou need the exception, and create a new repeating entry on the first recurrence after your exception. This is, of course, worse than tedious, because:
  • You cannot duplicate an existing entry, so if you want to copy an entry (e.g., if a meeting is twice a week), you will have to re-enter everything by hand. Aaaargh!
  • Under some circumstances, the calendar returns to the current date, or the first date of a recurring event, when you don't expect it. This is confusing and annoying.
  • What really bugs me here is that
    • the backend actually supports most of this, only the GUI doesn't,
    • yet Nokia are too lazy to implement it,
    • and apparently the source code for the calendar is not freely available (please correct me if I'm wrong here), so that the community can't do Nokia's homework, either! :-(
  • No native SyncML support for synchronizing via a network! Helloooo!??
    (I haven't tried out the SyncEvolution application yet, though.)
  • Only very limited syncing with Google calendar, from what I read on the Internet.
    The software 'erminig' allows to do that quite well... but again, you need to install it.
  • The calendar desktop widget is not configurable. For example, I would wish that I could make it larger, and to have more to-do items listed, but no...
    Luckily, there now exists an unofficial alternative calendar widget which allows you to do that.

If you ever owned a Palm and have used Datebook3, 4 or 5, you know what really useful features a good day planner offers. Nokia's builtin calendar is leagues away from that master class. At least, it is possible to install the GPE calendar and GPE to-do list; however, that software does not access the built-in's calendar and todo lists but keeps its own — not good if you already have entered a lot of things into thoese.

Usability and hardware

  • The resistive touchscreen is nice, but it doesn't have multitouch, is not as easy to operate as the iPhone's, and kinetic scrolling, although programmed in, definitely works better on the iPhone. On the other hand, you can also operate with a stylus if you wish; I operate with my fingers as well as the stylus, depending on the situation.
  • When the device is connected either to a charger or to a PC (both via MicroUSB port on left hand side) or to a headphone (3.5mm jack on right hand side), it is difficult to hold in your hand and type. These two jacks should have been moved upwards.
  • Although the device has a very nice orientation sensor (there are even two apps so that you can use it as a spirit level), only very few applications support rotating the device — most will always operate in landscape mode. (Luckily, the actual phone application does allow to be operated in both modes, so at least you can place and receive phone calls single-handedly.)
    At least there is a shortcut that you can try to force an application to operate in portrait mode, but it doesn't work with all applications, and you need to open the hardware keyboard in order to do that (but when you open the hardware keyboard, you probably want landscape mode, not portrait, aargh!).
  • The graphical user interface is nice and easy to learn, yet I feel it's not the most intuitive one. Especially switching from an application to the built-in main menu vs. switching to the configurable desktop still confuses me. The window manager should support two or three buttons for changing the applications, instead of one.
  • In general, usability is alright but could be improved. For example, why can't I click on an address in the phone book so that Nokia maps would open? Speaking of which, I feel that the maps application is usable but not the best in usability. But it has improved a lot.
  • In order to exchange the SDHC card, you have to open the back lid and finger around with a very fiddly card holder. Moreover, the card should be exchanged when the device is powered off (although Linux nerds will know they can do umount if no process is accessing the card).
  • When you connect the device to a PC in mass storage mode, it often sometimes will complain that it will not let the PC access the phone's flash memory but only the SDHC card. The purported reason is that access will be denied as long as any process on the N900 accesses the builtin memory (i.e., /home/user/MyDocs/); however, it even does this when lsof doesn't display any processes keeping handles on that part of the directory tree. Ehh?
  • The built-in media player does not support Unicode/UTF8 ID3 tags; apparently, it only does ID3 in Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1). Hellooooo?!? We're in the year 2010, and Unicode is everywhere! What do I do now with my Bulgarian MP3 files with Cyrillic ID3 tags?

What's not true

The following widely circulated flaws have been fixed by Nokia in the meanwhile and thus do not hold any longer after a firmware/system update:

  • The phone won't eat its battery for breakfast. Well, if you really need to use WLAN videotelephony, Bluetooth headset, 3G-only with bad coverage, and GPS simultaneously and incessantly, the battery will at most last half a day. But then, no phone would last long with such a treatment. However, if you install some powersaving helpers (e.g., kernel from extras-testing, WLAN disabler applet, 3G/GSM switcher applet, Bluetooth switcher applet) and leave the phone alone overnight with disabled WLAN, in GSM-only mode, without any instant messenger connections, e-mail or weather updates, then it will lose less than 5% of its battery charge during these 8 hours (measured with ''battery-eye'').

Geek aspects

  • Although X11 forwarding over ssh does work, (a) the N900's applications will tell the window manager on your PC to have them rendered fullscreen (the address book looks funny in 1920*1080px) and (b) you won't see the application's menu, which renders X forwarding more or less unusable for most cases.
  • You either have to program in C/C++ (yuck) or in Python (yuck). There is no JVM on the N900, neiter Java ME nor Java SE. You can install one from Debian, but that must run in a chrooted environment. :-( There is a Perl 5.8 on the device; however, many modules are missing, and more importantly, there are no [usable] Perl bindings for Qt or GTK-Hildon for the N900. :-/
  • The file system layout is somewhat weird (e.g., / has only 256MB yet includes /usr), which makes porting software a bit more difficult than you'd think initially. Moreover, if you install software using apt-get install instead of the built-in application manager, then / will fill up quite quickly. So make sure you don't forget to run apt-get clean.

Specific issues with O2 Germany

As the following information only applies to German customers of O2, I will provide them in German.

  • Das N900 zeigt leider nicht an, ob man sich gerade in der O2-Homezone aufhält oder nicht. Wem das wichtig ist, der muss also diesen nervigen Tonindikator für die Homezone einschalten.
  • Auch nach mehreren Konfigurationsversuchen ist es mir nicht gelungen, über SyncEvolution via SyncML mit dem O2 Communication Center zu synchronisieren. Will man also Daten aus seinem alten Handy aufs neue übertragen, bleibt einem nichts anderes übrig, als dafür die Nokia PC-Suite zu verwenden.

If I have missed important aspects, I'll add them later. It thus may be that this text will slightly change.
Last update> 2010-06-09.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Recovering the special characters view

There is a rather handy app called "Keyboard mod." that allows you to modify the key layout of the special characters view, i.e., the small virtual keyboard which pops up when you press the Ctrl and Symbol key.
Alas, you may end up with a layout that does not work — and this means that the special characters view simply won't pop up any longer when you press these buttons. This is exactly what has happened to me. Unfortunately, there is no backup of the original keyboard layouts. Here's a quick fix that worked for me:

  1. Install the package gainroot if you have not done so yet.

  2. Open an X term and type in the following commands:

  3. root (Obtain administrator rights. Alternative: sudo gainroot)

  4. cd /usr/share/scv_layouts (Go to the directory where the broken file is located.)

  5. ls -lt

  6. You now see a list of .vkb files. Most of these should carry the same time stamp (on my device, it's Dec 3rd, 2009), with the exception of the one that you fucked up. :-) The files are sorted by modification date, so the evildoer should be at the top of this list.

  7. If you're a lucky man, you can somewhere get hold of an original version of the .vkb file. Then you can simply download the file and overwrite the broken one.
    I, however, was not so lucky. Thus, as an ugly quick-fix, I simply copied one of the untouched files to the one that I messed up. In my special case, I thus replaced de.vkb by ch.vkb. But before you do that, you should do a backup of the broken and the other .vkb files:

  8. mkdir /home/user/MyDocs/vkb-files (You should not call this directory .vkb-files with a leading dot, since that has a somewhat special meaning in Unix systems.)

  9. mv de.vkb /home/user/MyDocs/vkb-files/de.vkb.broken (Create a backup of the broken file: The overwriting quick-hack will mean that you'll get a double entry for one language! Perhaps you can fix the broken one at a later point in time, using a new version of the app.)

  10. cp *.vkb /home/user/MyDocs/vkb-files/ (You now have a safe backup of the remaining and untouched files... who knows if you'll need that one day)
  11. cp ch.vkb de.vkb (Warning: you probably have to replace the de and ch, depending on your situation!)

That's everything.
I hope I'll find the original versions of the .vkb files. In that case, I'll offer them for download.